• Amber Flag




    The Amber Flag Committee have organised a Mental Health Awareness week from 16th - 20th May 2022. This is to promote the importance of looking after our own well being and that of other children and staff.


    • Mindful Monday's activities incluse a wellbeing slogan poster, mindful colouring and drop everything and dance/relax.
    • Thoughtful Tuesday is about random acts of kindness for others.
    • Wellbeing Wednesday is a wellness walk - walk a mile and smile.
    • Thankful Thursday is to encourage and focus on being thankful for all that we have.
    • Feel Good Friday is to focus on being happy and together as a school. The children are wearing bright colours into school and a collection for Pieta House will be made. We will gather together as a school and perform the Cha Cha slide.


    Everyday has it's own positive quote for the day - so


    'In a world where you can be anything

    Be Kind'